When I build my custom projects, I try to go really deep into some details,…

How to Mod: Making a PSU-cover
Last time I showed you how to make your own IO-cover, in this guide we will make something similar but bigger, a PSU-cover. A lot of new cases already have these but if you have a older case and want to start modding this can be a first try on a mod. So follow me through this guide to see how to do it.
So as you see on the first photo the bottom part is not really nice to look at with the power supply and all the cables. What I did which is a quick thing was to cut out a piece in cardboard to just see how it would look with a PSU-cover.
Next thing to do is to measure out the PSU-cover. What I start with is to measure from the motherboard tray, over the PSU to see how wide the cover needs to be, then measure how long you want it and then the height, add the height and width plus a few mm for the bend.
In this guide I use aluminium so I marked out on a 2mm sheet what I needed to cut out.
I used a jigsaw to cut out the aluminium and the filed down the edges with handfiles. I measured out where the bend needed to be and marked that out, then I used my sheet-bender for the actual bend. Testfit looks good!
I did not want the PSU-cover to be raw aluminium so I spraypainted it white to fit with the build this cover was for.
Mounting the cover is very straightforward, I use 3Ms doublesided tape, cut out two strips and put it on the PSU and then mount the cover over it.
Hopefully this guide helped or was interesting to some of you, this is a very simple first mod if you want to get into casemodding. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!